本人电脑环境:win10 + wsl2(Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS)
运行命令:docker inspect testvol
本人电脑环境:win10 + wsl2(Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS)
运行命令:docker inspect testvol
是docker官方提供的一种高级的持久化数据的方法,它比 mount
Java8推出了Stream Api,开发者能够以声明的方式来流式处理数据。Stream可以让臃肿的代码变得更加简洁、高效。
Stream将要处理的元素集合看作一种流, 流在管道中传输,并且可以在管道的节点上进行处理,比如筛选、排序、聚合等。元素流在管道中经过中间操作的处理,最后由最终操作得到前面处理的结果。
现有片段分类方法采用Biaffine Decoder得到一个评分矩阵 $n \times n \times T$ ,$n$ 表示序列长度,$T$ 表示实体类别数量。本文沿用了片段分类的方法,但作者发现评分矩阵的临近片段具有非常明显的空间关联,如下图所示:
As a part of this blog series and continuing with the tradition of extracting useful graph features by considering the topology of the network graph using machine learning, this blog deals with Deep Walk. This is a simple unsupervised online learning approach, very similar to language modelling used in NLP, where the goal is to generate word embeddings. In this case, generalizing the same concept, it simply tries to learn latent representations of nodes/vertices of a given graph. These graph embeddings which capture neighborhood similarity and community membership can then be used for learning downstream tasks on the graph.